Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"SPINSPIRATION" The magic that happens every Saturday morning !!!!!!

You'd better get down to the YMCA Sequoia in Redwood City early on a Saturday morning, the seats get filled up quick.Something magical is happening. Some would say almost a religious experience.
Yes it is the Saturday morning Spin Class (although at the "Y" we have to use the synonyms for "Spinning" or "Group Cycle" so as not to upset certain unmentionable company)

Our Group Leader or some would call "Drill Sergeant "John Esplana a fellow with unusually high amounts of Serotonin or is it caffeine ? especially for a Saturday morning at 8 am.
As we work through our warm up of increased tempo and stretching to bring up the heart rate the mixture of Techno, Hip Hop and Classic 80's, starts to boom out of the over sized speakers as we pound out circles in time with the beat.

Throughout the next 60 minutes John our team leader will guide us up steep ravines, spin rapidly along straightaways and work our abs and arms with "figure eights" as we march along in unison.
"More quality, less quantity" "Strong, hard, powerful" John yells out trying to compete with the barrage of decibels as the music is cranked up to the sound of  Lady Gaga, to meet effort, as we dig a little deeper again and wipe of beads of sweat for the umpteenth time.

Amongst the sweat, tears and joy, there is always some jovial backchat and smart one liners, from Adrina, and "hardcore, hearty spin instructor" with a contagious high shrilled laugh and street smart attitude to back it up.
Never a dull moment around when Adrina is in "Da House"

Then there is Andi, the devoted spin instructor and "Gym Bunny" all round Super Mum who can be seen at all hours of the darkest mornings and evenings sneaking in a workout, how she does it with two young kids and full-time job, who knows ?

Up and over more hills, sprint spins and on to "Karaoke Spin 101", as the whole rooms erupts in a raucous rendition of the Village Peoples hit song YMCA, with applicable musical gestures, cautiously as to not fall off  "instrument of tortured quads."

As we are guided up the highest highs and 34 minute hills (a record held in high esteem at the "Y") we are brought back down again as the heart rate recovers and we all take a breather, intertwined with gulps of water and Gatorade and jovial banter, especially from the ranks at the back of the room.

Stretch it out, off the bike, and 3 deep deep breaths in and out as we self-congratulate ourselves, for prying ourselves once again from the comforts of bed. To remind ourselves how awesome it is to be alive and how grateful we are to have such healthy bodies.

It is truly something to be experienced to connect in such a fun filled environment with the common goal of finding a healthier me. "It's about as much fun as you can have without taking your clothes off"
Thanks to all "Spinners", and John Esplana, Adrina, Andi, and all that make our group that special thing we do to start the weekend end off right.
Endorphin's released once more for another weekend to start.



  1. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! It truly is one of my most favorite hours of the whole week. Great write up Steve. As a "gym bunny" am I required to eat carrots?? ;)

  2. Only if attached to a carrot cake, and only if they help you see in the dark on your way to 6 am workout....

  3. Carrot cake! I'm on it!! :)

    oh, and PS the hill record is now 36 minutes 32 seconds...but not for long (insert evil spin instructor laugh here, "muwahahahaha")

  4. Wow! I'm an honored to be mentioned and most importantly to be your friend at the Y, on FB, and now you're blog.


    See you on Friday at 6am and/or Saturday at 8am.

    Your Friend,


  5. Steve, I heard rumors you had a blog. And here you are, talking about three of my favorite people in the world! Go Y cycling team! Those three are hard core, for sure. I dabble in spin from time to time, but they are for real.

    Fun stuff. I'm running again these days, always looking for running partners. Let's go some time! Promise I won't wear the yellow shorts. And I'll wear a shirt too, if I must.

  6. Don't take his word for it, Steve. He is a sketchy dude. I mean, tiny yellow running shorts?! :)

  7. Awww, Everett! :) See you Sunday!

    (shhh, Megan, we may need to set up an intervention for those shorts before they get much tinier)

  8. wow, this blog is tooooooo cool. i just saw the toe nail necklace. hardcore. how do i sign up to get regular updates. i can run vicariously through you stephen.

    again, i feel like a rock star with the mention in the spinspiration episode.

