Yes since finishing the North Face Endurance Challenge six weeks ago and allowing myself a couple of weeks of recovery time. I have still had a lagging strain or groin pain, in the "Vastus Medialis".
Vastus Medialis
The quadriceps muscles are the muscles on the front of the thigh. They consist of the Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, Vastus intermedius and the Rectus femoris. A strain is a tear in the muscle. These can range in severity, from a very small tear to a complete rupture.
A groin (adductor) pull or strain occurs when the muscles of the inner thigh are stretched beyond their limits.'
I am assuming that I may have pulled a muscle after running through all that mud and the stabilizing effect caused a strain.
So I have been giving my inner quads the R.I.C.E, that is rest, ice, compression, and elevation treatment, backing off on my mileage and cross training.
Went to see Dr Thabit from SOAR in redwood city, and awesome Sports Orthopedic and Rehabilitation center and he confirmed my fears that I will take things easy, running wise for 3 to 6 weeks, back off my mileage and see him again in a few weeks if things do not improve, with anti-inflammatory pills being an option.
Being an anti-pill taker I will just back off my mileage much to my chargrin and dust off the bike and get some miles in. Which actually I should be doing seeing that I have already signed up for the Californian Death Ride, a 130 mile ride with 5 peaks in July.
Oh well ces la vie looks as if I will have to let my body recover in it's own time and get used to being a "Roadie
In the spirit of taking it easy and resting my quad, here is my workouts for the week.
Monday bike 20 miles
Tuesday Swim 1 hour
Wednesday bike 24 miles
Thursday run 6 miles
Friday Yoga 1 hour, run 7 miles to pool, swim 1 hour, run 7 miles back....
Saturday rest
Sunday rest
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